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"OFFICIAL" Free Kodak Black T-Shirt [Buy Now]

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This movement is bigger than rap. This movement is bigger than t-shirts. This movement is to demonstrate the power of music, people and independent entrepreneurialism coming together to do something positive in an attempt of making an impact on a failed system. With this collaboration, we’d hope to spark the next mind to see the positive and do something in their means to stand against a carefully designed system of mass incarceration and institutionalization. We also hope that this would spark Kodak Black to use his talent, platform, and influence to advance his generation in his own way.

Far too often, we’re quick to berate those that make mistakes, kicking them down instead of actually trying to help them up. Sadly, this is the society we live in today. Will it change? Probably not for a long time. But by supporting this movement, you’re helping to spark some much needed change, and provide some support for a young black man caught in the grips of the institution who can maybe help bring on that change, once his potential is fully realized. He’s a product of his environment, one in which the chance of escape is slim-to-none; and he’s also the voice of a people who share similar circumstances. Let’s make sure this voice is heard.


*A portion of the proceeds will be contributed to the family of Kodak Black & towards legal obligations.


The fit is true to size with an athletic cut. 

*We accept a one time courtesy exchange on orders with a different size exchange from first time customers.


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8209 comments on "OFFICIAL" Free Kodak Black T-Shirt [Buy Now]
  • HaroldJourn
    HaroldJournJuly 21, 2020

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    ElmerswotsJuly 21, 2020


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